This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the Instructional Leadership professional learning module.
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the Leadership for Effective Implementation of District-Wide Evidence-Based Practices Learning module.
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the Collaborative Teams professional learning module.
The building leadership team has established a building wide understanding of the ABC’s of behavior, the importance of adult behaviors that promote positive student-teacher relationships. The building leadership team has provided professional learning opportunities for all staff to engage in the development of a common philosophy and purpose through co-creation of beliefs, mission and vision statements and collective commitments that include and focus on social/emotional/behavioral student outcomes. On a numerical response questions, please rate your implementation using the following scale: 1-Rarely 2-Sometimes 3-Almost Always 4-Always The building leadership team has established a list of common beliefs about students and behavior
Common Teacher Efficacy
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the Developing Assessment Capable Learners professional learning module.
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the Metacognition Professional Learning Module.
This is the Self-Assessment that accompanies the Reciprocal Teaching professional learning module.
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the School Based Implementation Coaching professional learning module.
The building leadership team has established a buildingwide understanding of the ABC’s of behavior, the importance of adult behaviors that promote positive student-teacher relationships as well as delivery of positive, specific feedback for behavior, and coordinated systems for encouraging expected behaviors in staff, students and families.
SW PBS ETLP 2: Procedures and Routines
SW-PBS ETLP 3: Encouraging Expected Behavior
SW-PBS ETLP 4 Discouraging Unexpected Behaviors
SW PBS ETLP 5 Active Supervision
SW-PBS ETLP 6: Opportunities to respond
SW-PBS ETLP 7: Sequencing and Choice
SW-PBS ETLP 8: Adjusting Task Difficulty
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the revised Data-Based Decision Making (DBDM) professional learning module
This is the Self-Assessment to accompany the Common Formative Assessment (CFA) professional learning module
SAPP for MOPAL Module 2