Instructional Leadership (v2)
eaders who have a high impact on student outcomes…
Understand the need to focus on learning and the impact of learning and believe their fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of everyone on student learning. Instructional leaders:
Develop, support and maintain a collaborative culture and climate.
Promote effective teaching and learning practices that align to leader standards.
Provide for the development and use of common formative assessments.
Use data to make decisions, determine learning priorities, and expend resources.
Course Outcomes
In this course, building leaders will learn how to take key actions in instructional areas of focus enabling them to become the instructional leaders of their buildings. Inside you will discover how to:
Promote a culture that is safe for collaboration.
Gain knowledge and understanding of research-based effective teaching/learning practices.
Gain knowledge and understanding regarding the importance and use of common formative assessments to drive instruction.
Determine the current reality of the building through the use of data.
Leadership for Effective Implementation of District-Wide Evidence-Based Practices (v1)
New version of the leadership module.
Collaborative Climate and Culture
Collaborative Culture
Collaborative Teams (v3)
Course Outcomes
By the end of this module, you will:
•Understand foundational concepts and definitions of classroom-level collaborative teams.
•Reflect on the team practices and processes currently in place.
•Consider the challenges and potential barriers to becoming a high functioning team.
•Explore resources to support the implementation of effective teams.
Effective Teaching and Learning
Collective Teacher Efficacy (v1)
Collective Teacher Efficacy
Developing Assessment Capable Learners (v2)
Assessment capable learners are students who…
Know the learning target for a lesson.
Can describe where they are in relation to the criteria.Assessment Capable Learners
Use that information to select learning strategies to improve their work.
“Assessment capable” does not focus on how well students perform on tests. Rather, it means that students are able to gauge their own learning. It means that students understand if they have met a learning target and in what areas they need extra help. According to Hattie (2012), it is important for students to know where they are going, how they are going to get there, and where to next.
Course Outcomes
This online learning package was developed for classroom teachers. Inside, you will discover
How becoming an assessment capable learner benefits students
Ways in which teachers can help students to become assessment capable
Teaching tools that encourage assessment capable learning
Examples of what assessment capable learners do and how they describe their learning process.
Metacognition (v1)
Metacognition is the practice of teaching and encouraging students to think about thinking and how they learn best. Metacognition occurs before, during, and after learning, and involves self-reflective questions around: comprehension, connection, strategies and reflection.
Reciprocal Teaching (v1)
Reciprocal teaching is the process of teaching students how to learn by summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting content. Using this practice allows students to take turns being the teacher.
School-Based Implementation Coaching (v2)
School-based implementation coaching helps educators to demonstrate new skills, as well as practice using those skills in real classroom settings, while also improving fidelity of practice.
Student Practice: Spaced vs. Massed (v1)
Massed Practice refers to conditions in which individuals practice a task continuously without rest. Spaced Practice refers to conditions in which individuals are given rest intervals within the practice sessions. While information repeated in a distributed fashion or spaced over time learned more slowly, it is retained for much longer.
9. Assessment (v2)
Assessments can be invaluable in helping teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student and to guide the next steps in instruction. There are many informal tools for assessing the various components of reading. No single assessment will provide insight into all of the reading-related skills that students need to learn
Clarifying Expected Behavior (v1)
This course provides information necessary for the development of schoolwide expectations and specific behaviors/rules that make up the building matrix. This social behavioral curriculum defines the social skills that we expect all students and staff to display. School-wide expectations reflect the language and culture of each school. They will become the language all staff use when they teach, remind, recognize, and correct students. They will be the cornerstone for all you will do to implement SW-PBS. In addition, the creation of clearly defined school-wide procedures will be covered. Clearly defined procedures allow staff to teach and supervise consistently and predictably.
Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior (v1)
This course provides information on the practices needed to build a comprehensive system to discouraging the full range of inappropriate behaviors. In order to develop a comprehensive schoolwide system to discourage inappropriate behavior, you will need to: 1) know strategies to respond to minor or staff-managed behaviors, 2) define what constitutes major or office-managed behavior, and 3) develop related data gathering tools.
Encouraging Expected Behavior (v1)
This course provides information on the practices needed to build a comprehensive system to encourage and motivate students, both as they are learning the expected behaviors and then to maintain those skills as students become more fluent with their use. There are four interrelated topics that will be explored to develop a comprehensive schoolwide encouragement system: 1) adult non-contingent and contingent attention, 2) effective, specific positive feedback, 3) use of a tangible reinforcement system, and 4) a menu or continuum of reinforces.
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 1: Overview (v1)
Positive Behavior Support in the Classroom introduces the 8 Missouri School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) Effective Teaching and Learning Practices. These practices have been shown to decrease problem behavior and increase time for academic learning. These positive and proactive strategies help to establish an effective classroom learning environment.
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 10: Ongoing Monitoring (v1)
SW-PBS Lesson 10: Ongoing Monitoring
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 2: ETLP 1-Classroom Expectations and Rules (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 2: ETLP 1-Classroom Expectations and Rules
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 3: ETLP 2-Classroom Procedures and Routines (v1)
Positive Behavior Support in the Classroom: Lesson 3 ETLP 2: Clarifying Expected Behavior Procedures and Routines
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 4: ETLP 3-Encouraging Expected Behavior (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 4: ETLP 3-Encouraging Expected Behavior
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 5: ETLP 4-Discouraging Unexpected Behavior (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 5: ETLP 4-Discouraging Unexpected Behavior
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 6: ETLP 5-Active Supervision (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 6: ETLP 5-Active Supervision
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 7: ETLP 6-Opportunities to Respond (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 7: ETLP 6-Opportunities to Respond
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 8: ETLP 7-Activity Sequencing and Choice (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 8: ETLP 7-Activity Sequencing and Choice
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 9: ETLP 8-Adjusting Task Difficulty (v1)
SW-PBS in the Classroom, Lesson 9: ETLP 8 - Adjusting Task Difficulty
Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) (v1)
This course provides information about the Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) Tier 2 intervention, steps for developing a CICO program, and strategies for effective implementation. Adaptations for Preschool and High School implementation will be presented along with considerations for making the intervention culturally relevant for all stakeholders.
Distance Learning
(A) Introduction to Distance Learning Strategies (v1)
An introduction to the Distance Learning Modules by the Commissioner of Education.
(B) Community Building (v1)
Offer teachers suggestions for building a positive classroom or virtual environment where students feel safe and supported.
(C) Establishing Strong Family-School Connections (v1)
Effective ways to communicate with students and families in rural, suburban, and urban settings.
(D) Distance Learning with Technology (v1)
Tools for cognitive engagement (learning new content, creating and collaborating online, etc.)
Tools for formative assessment and providing quality feedback
Learner agency (student voice and choice, assessment capable learners, personalized learning)
Suggestions for effective use of technology, managing multiple platforms, family support.
Provide resources
(E) Distance Learning Without Technology (v1)
Distance learning, also called distance education, remote learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.
(F) Elementary Tips and Suggestions (v1)
Tips for on-site & virtual learning at the middle school level in rural, suburban, and urban settings.
(G) Middle School Tips and Suggestions (v1)
Tips for on-site & virtual learning at the middle school level in rural, suburban, and urban settings.
(H) High School Tips and Suggestions (v1)
Tips for on-site and virtual learning at the high school level in rural, suburban, and urban settings.
(I) Fine Arts, Practical Arts, Industrial Arts, and Modern Language Tips and Suggestions (v1)
Approaches to Learning
Material Usage
Resources/Digital Resources
Student Voice
Delivery Methods
(J) Meeting the Diverse Needs of Learners (v1)
Differentiated Instruction
Meeting needs of struggling and gifted students
Meeting needs of ELL students
Meeting needs of SPED students
Effective Tools
Provide resources
(K) Integration of Social-Emotional Learning in Academics (v1)
Instructional strategies that promote emotional/intellectual safety in all content areas and grade levels
Low-floor, high-ceiling tasks that make learning accessible to all learners
Provide resources
Data-Based Decision Making
Evidence Driven Decisions
Data-Based Decision Making - revised (v2)
The 2019 revision to DBDM.
Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment
Common Formative Assessment (v1)
Understand the clear purposes of assessment by clarifying:
Why assess?
Who will use the results of assessment?
How will the assessment data be used to improve teaching and learning?
Formative Assessment - Literacy - Grade 2 (v1)
This module provides an overview of formative assessment, and specifically discusses formative assessment for literacy in Grade 2. Formative assessment items were developed by Missouri educators and are intended to be used by teachers in Grade 2 classrooms to measure student learning and inform instructional decisions with regard to the Grade 2 English Language Arts priority standards.
State Operated Programs
Educational Services
Communicable Diseases (v1)
6400 Communicable Diseases
IEP Form G: Distance Learning Plan (v3)
Basic First Aid (v2)
Basic First Aid for MSSD Employees
BYOC (v2)
Behavior In the Classroom (v1)
Understanding Behavior using an Intervention Plan, Strategies, Consultant and FBA.
SIS Tyler
Classroom Schedules (v2)
Benefits of Classroom Schedules and Students' Individual Schedules
Assistive Technology (v2)
Assistive Technology Do's and Don'ts
Health Services
Confidentiality Educational (v1)
Moving categories
Mandatory Reporting (v1)
Mandatory Reporting due to your professional position for Child Abuse
DESE Endorsements & Certifications
MoPAL Module 1: Special Education Law, Regulations, and Compliance (v1)
The Missouri Pathway for Aspiring Leaders in Special Education (MoPAL) is a three-year, DESE sponsored program. Individuals who currently hold a Missouri Administrator Certificate are eligible for participation. Through this program, aspiring leaders receive essential content through online professional learning modules, cohort learning experiences, coaching, and mentoring.
MoPAL Module 2: Special Education Finance (v1)
MoPAL Finance module
MoPAL Module 3: Leadership In Special Education (v2)
Module 3: Leadership In Special Education
MoPAL Module 4: Overview of High Impact Instructional Practices (v2)
MoPAL module 4
MoPAL Module 5: Application of Effective Teaching and Learning Practices in Special Education (v1)
MoPAL Module 5
MoPAL Module 6: Application of Data-Based Decision Making in Special Education (v1)
Data Based Decision Making
MoPAL Module 7: Family and Community Partnerships in Special Education (v2)
Module 7 is designed to give new Directors of Special Education an understanding of family and community partnerships in special education. The module covers the benefits and challenges of family, community, and school partnerships. Scholars will review legal requirements and strategies for developing and sustaining partnerships. For each of the 5 lessons there is a PowerPoint to guide scholars through the content and to deepen their understanding of key topics. This module also includes a project as the last lesson. In this project, scholars will examine data and highlight the strengths and challenges to family and community partnerships in their current district. As scholars work through the materials and activities, they are encouraged to document questions and/or needed resources to explore further with their MoPAL consultant and/or MO-CASE mentor.