The Virtual Learning Platform is an online portal that provides Department endorsed, evidence-based training. This training is available to selected districts (MMD, MMD-B, and DCI) through the Department’s Web Application Portal.  The VLP provides On-Line Professional Learning Modules (PLM's), Self-Assessemnt Practice Profiles (SAPP), and has the capability for user collaboration, pre/post assessment, handouts, worksheets, and other materials required for training. The system can be accessed at any time and may be used as a reference for users once a PLM is completed.

Test Document

About (MMD/DCI)

MoEdu-SAIL Links

Missouri Model Districts (MMD) is a project supported by the 5-year State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG), with a goal of improving the educational outcomes for all students, especially students with disabilities, through an evidence-based professional development approach. MMD is a continuation and enhancement of a SPDG that began in 2012.

The District Continuous Improvement (DCI) Framework further expands on this work, and is informed by the prior two years of implementation of Missouri Model Districts. Using a district-level approach, the goal is to integrate effective academic and behavioral practices into a framework for achieving exceptional student outcomes.

With an emphasis on professional development, the MMD/DCI provides resources for bridging professional development to practice, including:

  • high quality professional development content and framework for delivery;
  • support for implementation fidelity at state, regional, district, and local levels;
  • data for informing continuous quality improvement; and
  • technology support for enhancing and supplementing professional development experiences for educators.

District-Level Approach to Improving Student Outcomes

The MMD/DCI project relies on a systems approach to implement a framework of effective educational practices in buildings and classrooms throughout a district. When a district decides to participate in MMD/DCI, an important collaboration begins. The district, DESE, and regional professional development centers work together to establish a state-wide coordinated system that supports effective teaching and learning and achieves exceptional student outcomes. A three-year commitment to MMD/DCI is expected. Over the three years, MMD/DCI will inform DESE’s development of processes, resources, and expectations for supporting statewide effective education for all Missouri students.

What Are The Goals Of MMD/DCI?

For districts and buildings to:

  • Establish an environment supportive of instructional change through the enhancement of structures and processes.
  • Implement an evidence-based framework for instruction, which includes components that have a demonstrated positive impact on teaching and learning outcomes.
  • Improve student outcomes through incremental, yet impactful changes at the district, building, and classroom levels.

Coordinated Professional Development

The MMD/DCI approach to professional development relies on a coordinated system that includes the following elements.

  1. Content: Evidence-based materials assembled as professional learning modules.
  2. Training: In-person and online delivery of content.
  3. Coaching: Application of content with targeted coaching support.

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