Welcome to Virtual Learning Platform

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The Virtual Learning Platform (VLP) is a Department endorsed, evidence-based professional development application available to all Missouri educators. The VLP provides online Professional Learning Modules (PLMs), Self-Assessment Practice Profiles, and has the capability for user collaboration, pre/post assessment, and other materials required for training.

Explore the VLP by using the tabs at the top of the screen:

  • PLMs are available to view by pillar
  • Assessments aligned with PLMs are available to view by pillar

If you are affiliated with a Missouri public school and want to track your professional development progress through PLMs and record Assessment results, follow these instructions to access the VLP via our secure access.

Current News

Professional Learning Modules Available

New Professional Learning Modules are available:

  • NEW - MoPAL Modules in the DESE Endorsements and Certifications Pillar
  • NEW - Introduction to Gifted Education, and Social Emotional Learning Academy Modules in the Effective Teaching and Learning Pillar

A listing of all Professional Learning Modules by Pillar is available here

NEW- VLP Information Page

The Virtual Learning Platform information page can be viewed on the DESE website at this 

link: https://dese.mo.gov/virtual-learning-platform-vlp.  

NEW FAQ Files Available

See the FAQ tab for answers to common questions for administrators and users.


Account Info

Welcome: Guest


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